A collection of five films following renowned Fell Pony Hill Breeders in and around the Howgill fells of Cumbria, giving a unique insight into their experiences of breeding semi-feral herds on the open fell.
The films document a traditional way of breeding and managing fell ponies that is endangered by the changing patterns of farming, landscape and society.
- Producer / Director
- Tom Lloyd
- Interviews & Research
- Emma Aylett
- Supported by
- Heritage Lottery Fund
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About the project
A collection of five films following renowned Fell Pony Hill Breeders in and around the Howgill fells of Cumbria, giving a unique insight into their experiences of breeding semi-feral herds on the open fell.
The films document a traditional way of breeding and managing fell ponies that is endangered by the changing patterns of farming, landscape and society.
DVD copies for sale ~ please email us for details
Awards & Screenings
- Screening
- Fastnet short film festival
- Runner-up
- Keswick Osprey award
- Screening
- Shetland Film Festival
- London 2012 Festival
- A Hansel of Film, Isle of Whithorn
- London 2012 Festival
- A Hansel of Film, Kendal
- London 2012 Festival
- A Hansel of Film, Berwick-Upon-Tweed